SHA3-384 Hash(Lowercase)
SHA3-384 Hash(Uppercase)
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Important Notes

File size can affect the speed of hash value calculation. Please be patient.

About the SHA3-384 File Hash Checksum

The SHA3-384 File Hash checksum employs advanced hashing technology to rapidly compute the SHA3-384 hash of a file, offering sophisticated file hashing services to verify if a file has been altered. Note: SHA3-384 is a secure hash algorithm (SHA-3), a member of the SHA-3 family, officially released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2015. SHA-3 is a variant of the Keccak algorithm, designed to supplement and strengthen the previous SHA-2 algorithm. Now, let's detail the definition, characteristics, and application scenarios of SHA3-384 file verification.

• Characteristics

Collision Resistance: Even minimal changes in input produce a distinctly different hash value. Theoretically, it is extremely unlikely (almost impossible) to find two different inputs that yield the same hash value. Resistance to Pre-image and Second Pre-image Attacks: It is computationally infeasible to derive any possible original input from a given hash value. Efficiency: SHA3-384 operates efficiently across various computing environments, including low-power devices. Flexibility: Suitable for varying input lengths and produces a fixed-length output, making it useful in diverse application scenarios.

• Application Scenarios

Digital Signatures: SHA3-384 can be used to generate a hash of a message or file, which can then be utilized to create digital signatures, ensuring data integrity and origin verification. Data Integrity Verification: During software downloads, firmware updates, and more, by comparing the SHA3-384 hash of a file with the expected hash, one can verify if the file has been tampered with during transmission. Security Applications: In the fields of cryptography and security, SHA3-384 can be used in encryption applications, secure communication protocols, etc., to ensure data security. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: Secure hash algorithms like SHA3-384 play a key role in blockchain technology, ensuring transaction integrity and generating block hashes.